Orchestration FAQs
Why do I not see any schedule settings for my orchestrations?
If you are on a branch that is not Main then you will not have scheduling options for your orchestration since scheduling settings can only be configured on the Main branch.
How is Y42 handling Daylight savings time?
In many parts of the world, there is a change in the time settings twice a year. In spring, daylight saving time is switched on. The clock is moved forward by one hour in the early morning. In autumn, daylight saving time is switched off and one early morning hour is repeated by setting the clock back. On which day this happens, which hour is left out in spring, and which is repeated in autumn differs depending on the time zones.
The scheduler in Y42's orchestration tool allows users to schedule jobs in UTC. UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) does not change with the seasons. Using UTC provides the advantage to have an anchor that can be set as a reference to "civil time". Additionally, it ensures a continual flow of operation without breaks or repetitions regardless of any changes in local time.
What shall I do when summer time changes to winter time (and vice versa)?
During the time shift in spring (switch to summer time), the clock is moved forward from the last moment of 1:59 am to 3:00 am. In autumn (switch to winter timer), the clock is moved back at the end of 2:59 am to 2:00 am, so that the hour between 2 and 3 is repeated.
To adapt your scheduled run to this shift, you would need to adjust the schedule of your orchestration.
Berlin has CET (Central European Time) in winter and CEST (Central European Summer Time) in summer.
CET(Central European Time) is 1 hour ahead of UTC (UTC+01:00).
CEST(Central European Summer Time) is 2 hours ahead of UTC (UTC+02:00).
Since jobs are scheduled in Y42 in UTC, the job scheduled to be run at 8 AM (CEST) needs to be scheduled at 6 AM (UTC) in Y42. Now, the time shifts from CEST to CET and Berlin is only 1 hour ahead of UTC. To adjust accordingly, you would need to change your schedule from 6 AM to 7 AM (UTC) to ensure that your orchestration continues to run at 8 AM in Berlin.
Fortunately, this adjustment only needs to be done twice a year. We recommend setting a calendar reminder to plan upfront for this change.
Following website might be helpful to calculate & check how many hours your local time is ahead or behind UTC.
Following website might be helpful to check out on which day in your region the daylight saving time starts & ends.
Updated over 2 years ago