Canvas Functionality

Each tab in a dashboard hosts a canvas. The canvas has many functionalities, all of which are described below.

Canvas Toolbar Functionality

Canvas elements are hosted in the canvas toolbar, and can be used to create interactive dashboards.


Selecting this returns the user to select mode, and therefore de-selects any element previously selected in the canvas toolbar.

Insert Widget

Add any chart or table to the dashboard tab. Once this element is selected, a widget can be drawn onto the canvas.

Insert Canvas Filter

Add any filter to the dashboard tab. Once this element is selected, a filter can be drawn onto the canvas.

Once drawn onto the canvas, the global filter can filter the underlying data of all widgets on a tab. Users without editing rights are not allowed to create new filters, and can only filter data through created objects with pre-set parameters.

There are multiple types of filters that differ in a way they displayed on the canvas:

  • Dropdown: Single-choice dropdown functionality allows users to set one filtering parameter. Dropdown is available for numeric, boolean and text column types.

  • Multiselect: Multiple-choice dropdown functionality allows users to select more than one filtering parameter. Multiselect is available for numeric, boolean and text column types.

  • Advanced Filter: Filtering functionality that allows for custom filtering options, based on the choice of an operator and specified value. Advanced Filter is available for all column types, including numeric, text, boolean, dates. Depending on the column type, there are different operators available:

    • Text
      • Is equal
      • Is not equal
      • Is one of
      • Is none of
      • Starts with
      • Ends with
      • Contains
      • Not contains
      • Is empty
      • Is not empty
    • Numeric
      • Is equal
      • Is not equal
      • Is one of
      • Is none of
      • Is less that
      • Is greater than
      • Is between
      • Is empty
      • Is not empty
    • Date
      • Is between
      • Is before
      • Is after
      • Is empty
      • Is not empty
      • Is equal
  • Date: Filtering functionality for columns of a date type. Users are able to filter in absolute date terms (e.g., between two dates), and in relative date terms (e.g., from 5 days ago).

Filter Settings Window

Setting up a global filter requires users to use the filter settings window. The actions required by the window can depend on the type of filter used. The overarching functionalities are:

  • Selecting a table: To apply filters, users first have to choose a table from which the column that they will filter by will be selected. The Settings Window shows only tables that are used as the underlying data for the widgets in that tab.

  • Selecting a column: After selecting a table, users have to choose a column from which the filtering values will be taken. All types of columns are available: numeric, text, boolean and dates.

  • Choosing a filter type: Depending on the column type, different filter types described above are available.

The settings window of the Dropdown and Multiselect filters also contains the ability to choose the values that will appear in the filter. The first 10 unique values from the column are displayed, and additional values can be added manually.

Insert Shape

Add a shape to the dashboard tab. Once this element is selected, select a shape to draw, and then draw on the canvas.

Hold the Shift key when resizing a shape to lock the aspect ratio.

Insert Text

Add text to a dashboard tab. Once this element is selected, select a specific location on the canvas and a text box will appear.

All text within a text box must be of the same style (size, font, and color).

The text box will auto-delete if there is no text inside it.


Draw lines onto the dashboard tab. Once this element is selected, select a line size and then draw on the canvas.

Upload Image

Add any image to the dashboard tab. Once this element is selected, select an image from your computer, resize and crop the image as desired, and then place the image by selecting a specific location on the canvas.

Hold the Shift key when resizing an image to lock the aspect ratio.

Insert Sticky Note

Add a sticky note to a dashboard tab. Once this element is selected, select a specific location on the canvas and a sticky note will appear.

All text within a sticky note must be of the same style (size, font, and color).

Insert Attention Node

Add an attention node to the dashboard tab to draw attention to a widget or area of the tab. Once this element is selected, select a specific location on the canvas and an attention node will appear.

If the attention node is placed within a widget, it will attach itself to the widget. In order to remove the attention node from the widget, drag the node away from the widget.


Commenting is not yet available on Y42 - coming soon!

Insert Emoji

Add an emoji to the dashboard tab. Once this element is selected, select an emoji, then select a specific location on the canvas and the emoji will appear.

Emojis cannot be resized.

Show/ Hide Grid

Show or hide the canvas grid.

Snap Objects

When Snap Objects is turned on, canvas elements will interact in the following ways:

Edge and Center Snapping:

  • X-axis: When the edge or center of a canvas element reaches the same x-co-ordinate as the edge or center of another canvas element, a line will be drawn between the two elements, and the user will encounter ‘resistance’ temporarily preventing them from moving beyond the edge or center of the other element.
  • Y-axis: When the edge or center of a canvas element reaches the same y-co-ordinate as the edge or center of another canvas element, a line will be drawn between the two elements, and the user will encounter ‘resistance’ temporarily preventing them from moving beyond the edge or center of the other element.

Canvas Element Functionality


Refresh a widget to draw the latest data from your integrations and models.

Available for the following canvas elements:

  • Widgets


Make a copy of the selected canvas element.

Changes to the copied element will not affect the original element.

This action is also available with Ctrl+C + Ctrl+V (Cmd+C + Cmd+V on Mac)

Available for the following canvas elements:

  • Widgets
  • Shapes
  • Text
  • Drawings
  • Images
  • Sticky Notes
  • Attention Nodes
  • Emojis

Show Underlying Data

Shows the table of aggregated data from which the selected widget was built. This opens inside the widget editor.

Available for the following canvas elements:

  • Widgets


Delete the selected element.

Available for the following canvas elements:

  • Widgets
  • Shapes
  • Text
  • Drawings
  • Images
  • Sticky Notes
  • Attention Nodes
  • Comments
  • Emojis

Bring to Front

Brings the selected element to the top layer of the canvas, excluding attention nodes, comments and emojis, which always sit on a higher layer in order to be visible.

Available for the following canvas elements:

  • Widgets
  • Shapes
  • Text
  • Drawings
  • Images
  • Sticky Notes

Send to Back

Sends the selected element to the bottom layer of the canvas.

Available for the following canvas elements:

  • Widgets
  • Shapes
  • Text
  • Drawings
  • Images
  • Sticky Notes


Control the color and transparency of the selected element. It is also possible to choose a specific hex code.

Available for the following canvas elements:

  • Shapes
  • Sticky Notes
  • Drawings


Control the color and transparency of the selected element’s border. It is also possible to choose a specific hex code.

Available for the following canvas elements:

  • Widgets

Border Style

Control the style and thickness of the selected element’s border.

Available for the following canvas elements:

  • Widgets
  • Shapes
  • Drawings


Control the light angle, blurriness and color of the selected element’s shadow.

Available for the following canvas elements:

  • Widgets
  • Shapes
  • Text
  • Drawings


Prevent the selected canvas element from being moved elsewhere on the canvas.

Available for the following canvas elements:

  • Widgets
  • Shapes
  • Text
  • Drawings
  • Images
  • Sticky Notes
  • Attention Nodes
  • Comments
  • Emojis


Enter the widget editor to customize your charts and tables

Available for the following canvas elements:

  • Widgets

Move widget to a different tab

Moves the widget to a different tab of the user’s choice in the same dashboard.

The widget lands in the center of the chosen tab and can be moved to a different location from there.

Available for the following canvas elements:

  • Widgets


Add a description to the selected widget. This description will then be available on the widget in view mode.

Available for the following canvas elements:

  • Widgets

Canvas Navigation


Undo the previous action.


Redo an undone action.

Zoom In

Zooms into the z-axis of the canvas. Makes canvas elements appear larger.

Zoom Out

Zooms out of the z-axis of the canvas. Makes canvas elements appear smaller.

Zoom to Fit

Zooms to a level where all canvas elements can be seen in the view port at the same time. This is useful to show a full dashboard at once.

Fit to Width

Zooms to a level where the full width of the dashboard can be seen, aligning the top of the dashboard to the top of the view port. This is useful to show the dashboard in a more traditional layout which can be scrolled downwards.

Export PNG

Not yet available - coming soon!