Chart Settings

The widget editor is an interface which allows users to create and edit widgets (charts and tables). This article describes the functionality of settings which are specific to only certain chart types or tables.

Legend Settings


Choose whether or not to display a legend at the top of the chart, below the title.

Legends identify the meaning of various elements in a chart and can be used as an alternative to labeling the data directly.

Flip Axis (Simple charts)

Choose whether to exchange the positions of the X-axis and Y-axis.

Axis Pointer (Simple charts)

Choose whether to give users hovering on the chart a visual indicator of their location on the X and Y axes.

Sorting (Simple charts)

None, ASC or DESC

None - do not sort the series (x-axis values)

ASC - Sort the chart in ascending order based on one of the chart's series

DESC - Sort the chart in descending order based on one of the chart's series

By Measures, By Dimension, By Breakdown

Choose the series on which you want to sort the chart.

By Measures - sort the chart based on a measure of your choice

By Dimension - sort the chart based on a dimension of your choice

By Breakdown - sort the chart's breakdown values

Axis type (Simple charts)

Category (x-axis only)

For categorical dimensions with no order


For numeric dimensions - displaying data over a very wide range of values in a compact way


For numeric dimensions - auto-sort and auto-flll gaps

Time (x-axis only)

For date dimensions - auto-sort and auto-fill gaps

Axis Name Settings (Simple charts, Scatter plots)


Name the axis.

Name Location - Start, Middle, End

Position axis name on the start, middle, or end of the axis.


Rotate name of the axis.


Specify margin of the axis name relative to the axis

Align Vertical

Vertical align of the axis name relative to the axis: top, middle, bottom.

Align Horizontal

Horizontal alignment of the axis name relative to the axis: left, center or right.


Make the axis name bold


Italicize the axis name

Font Family

Choose a font for the axis name

Font Size

Change the font size of the axis name

Text Color

Set text color of the axis name.

Background colour

Fill the background color or the axis name.


Set axis name border width, color and radius.


Set padding for the are of the axis name - Top, Bottom, Right and Left padding

Axis Label Settings (Simple charts, Scatter plots)


Choose whether or not to display labels at regular intervals to indicate the scale of an axis with continuous values, or individual values in an axis with categorical values.

Date Format (Simple charts only)

For charts using date dimensions, choose a format for the date to be displayed in. E.g. 'yyyy-MM' vs 'MM-yyyy'


Inherit Format

Set a format of values as default.

Preset - number, currency, percentage or custom

Set a format of values as numeric, currency, percentage, or custom (specify).


Decimal Places

Set a displayed number of digits after separator. For example, 10,08 or 10,075

Negative Symbol

Set a displayed format of negative values. For example, -42 can be shown as (42) in accordance with accounting standards.

Display Type - Display Units, Ordinal Numbers, or None

Set a displayed format of numeric values as ordinal. For example, transform from 42 to 42nd.

Separator Type - None, Comma, or Dot

Set a separator as comma or dot. For example, choose between 1,000,000 or 1.000.000 or 1000000.



Choose a currency. Default number formats will then reflect the chosen currency's customs (e.g. where separators are located).

Locale display format: Prefix or Suffix

Set a place of currency's symbol - before or after a number (42$ or $42).

Decimal Places

Set a displayed number of digits after separator. For example, 10,08 or 10,075

Negative Symbol

Set a displayed format of negative values. For example, -42 can be shown as (42) in accordance with accounting standards.

Separator Type - None, Comma, or Dot

Set a separator as comma or dot. For example, choose between 1,000,000 or 1.000.000 or 1000000.


Decimal Places

Set a displayed number of digits after separator. For example, 10,08 or 10,075


Set a custom format for values. Instructions on for writing the custom format are provided by NumeralJS.

Data Zoom (Simple charts, Scatter plots)


The data zoom allows you to zoom in and focus on a particular range within the axis.

Start % and End %

Set where the data zoom should be focused when a user first lands on the widget or a dashboard containing the widget.

Display as Donut (Pie charts)

Display pie chart as a donut instead of a pie.

Show total (Tables, Cohort tables)

Add a row showing totals for each column. The value is calculated by taking the aggregation applied to calculate individual values in the series and applying the same aggregation to the full table (or in the case of no aggregation, the sum of all values).

For example, if a column shows that Hungarians buy 4 bananas per month, whilst Americans buy 3, then 'Show Total' will display the overall average, not the sum of the two averages.

Row Settings (Tables)

Enable Settings

Enable settings in order to customise the alignment, font, colour and border of all cells in the table.


Make bold all cells.


Italicize all cells.

Font Family

Set a custom font for all cells.

Font Size

Set font size for all cells.

Text color

Set text color of all cells.

Background color

Fill background color of all cells.


Set border position and thickness for all cells.

Word Break

Set text wrapping: overflow, wrap or clip.

Reset Settings

Reset all applied settings.

Display in Percentage (Cohort tables)

Display all values in the cohort table as a percentage of the cohort's value in month 0.