Conditional/ Color formatting

The widget editor is an interface which allows users to create and edit widgets (charts and tables). This article describes the functionality of settings which alter the color of a chart or table based on a rule or set of rules.

Color by Segment or Breakdown (Simple Charts, Tables)


Rules contain operators, which are applied to the values in order to create a rule. For example, 'starts with' (operator) 'Co' (value). If the rule is met, a color of the user's choice is applied to the data point.

List of operators:

  • All
    • Is equal to
    • Is not equal to
  • String
    • Text contains
    • Text does not contain
    • Starts with
    • Ends with
  • Number
    • Greater than
    • Greater than or equal to
    • Less than
    • Less than or equal to
  • Date
    • Day is
    • Day is before
    • Day is after

Add a rule

Multiple rules can be applied to the same chart. If many rules apply to one data point, then only the first rule in the conditional color list will apply.

Select columns (Tables only)

Choose the field to which to apply a rule. Each new rule can be applied to a different field.

Fill with default rules (Simple Charts only)

Automatically creates a set of rules to apply a color for each category in the segment or breakdown. The colors are chosen according to the active theme in the latest dashboard that the widget is attached to.


Clear all conditional color rules.

Color by Series (Simple charts)

Color Pieces

Set numerical ranges (e.g. 2-5 & 6-8), and to assign a color and label to datapoints in a chosen series according to which range they fall into.


The operator in each rule is always set as a range from min to max.

Add a rule

Multiple rules can be applied to the same chart. If many rules apply to one data point, then only the first rule in the conditional color list will apply.


Clear all conditional color rules.


All rules within a group must apply to the same series. If you wish to create a rule which applies to a different series, create a new group.

Color Scale

Set the colors in which high values and low values in a chosen series will be colored, according to a sliding scale. Create a complex color scale with multiple colors.


If you wish to create a color scale which applies to a different series, create a new group.

Color scale (Cohort tables)

Set colors for high and low values

Set the colors in which high values and low values will be colored in the cohort table. It is also possible to select only one color, in which case the color will gradually increase in transparency as the value becomes lower.

Set color cut-off point

Set a color cut-off point to distinguish when a value starts being high or stops being low.