UI Model: Access Tab

Once you enter the UI Models, you are redirected to the Model Overview Menu, where all the created models are listed, as well as all the necessary information to immediately attest to what you are going to do next.

Once you enter a particular model, by default you are entering the Overview tab. To control who has View and Edit rights of the specific model, jump on the Access tab. Let's now introduce this section by all its elements:


Note: If the data section is not visible, you probably need to click the expand button, on the top right of your screen.

1 - Access Section. By clicking this button you enter the Access area.
As you probably know Y42 provides users with 4 roles:

  • Admin (Has access to Access and Settings Section)
  • Manager (Has access to Access and Settings Section)
  • Creator (Does not have access to Access and Settings Section)
  • View Member (Does not have access to Access and Settings Section)

2 - Users button. By default you will view the users of the organization that are of roles Editor and View Member.
3 - Teams button. You might need to click "teams" button in order to manage access of an entire team. To get more in depth of the teams functionality please visit this article.

When this button is clicked all the teams will appear.

4 - Private vs. Public switch. By default your newly created model will be private, meaning that only other Admins and Managers can view it. In this case, you might need to give access to individual users or teams. If you switch to Public, everyone can access the model.

5- Search for user/team. Filters for users when the user's button is clicked or for teams when the team's button is clicked.

6- User/Team area. Here are displayed the users or teams.

7- Select role. Here you can give each user edit or view rights based on its role:

  • If Creator → the user can have Resource Editor rights or Resource Viewer rights

  • If View Member → the user can have only Resource viewer access

For Teams:

  • If the team includes view member users in its group then all the team can have only Resource viewer access.

  • If the team does not include view members in its group then all the team members can have Resource Editor rights or Resource Viewer rights.